Saturday, January 14, 2012

Autism isn't what we think it is

The world of an individual with autism is one that many do not understand.  However, this youtube video may bring some understanding.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Changes in technology

Sometime in the early 1990's, I'm guessing 1991, I was introduced to a computer program called Bex.  Bex was stored on two 5 1/4 inch floppy disks and took a long time to load.  The software spoke text  entered on the computer.  In addition to this I used a black and white CCTV, think of a video camera attached to a computer screen and used to enlarge paper-based text and images.  Over the next several years the software changd, but two four wheeled carts were required to transport and store the equipment.  However, in 2002, this all changed and two carts turned in to two bags.  Now, as a Ph.D. student two bags has been reduced to one laptop case.  Now, what was once large print books and large equipment is a laptop, kindle, iPad and no more largeprint books.  It is amazing tome how technology has changed.

Changes in technology

Sometime in the early 1990's, I'm guessing 1991, I was introduced to a computer program called Bex.  Bex was stored on two 5 1/4 inch floppy disks and took a long time to load.  The software spoke text  entered on the computer.  In addition to this I used a black and white CCTV, think of a video camera attached to a computer screen and used to enlarge paper-based text and images.  Over the next several years the software changd, but two four wheeled carts were required to transport and store the equipment.  However, in 2002, this all changed and two carts turned in to two bags.  Now, as a Ph.D. student two bags has been reduced to one laptop case.  Now, what was once large print books and large equipment is a laptop, kindle, iPad and no more largeprint books.  It is amazing tome how technology has changed.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Volkswagen: Automaker Turns off German Employees' BlackBerry Email When They Are Off Duty - ABC News

The research on individuals constantly working, even when technically off work, is growing. This is an interesting story with a trend that will hopefully spread.

Volkswagen: Automaker Turns off German Employees' BlackBerry Email When They Are Off Duty - ABC News

Teen Mom 2

It may sound strange, but I have found myself watching Teen Mom 2 on MTV.  I do not typically watch this type of programming, however, I'm finding it to be education in some ways, both as a parent and as someone interested in society and our culture.  While it is important to recognize that reality television is a constructed reality, as with all forms of media, the construction of this reality still has an impact.

It is important to note that in this series the producers have conducted interviews with show participants.  In these interviews it has become clear that the young ladies on the program know the struggles of their lives and the lives of those around them.  For individuals who in positions similar to these young ladies there is a potential connection, for those interested in the issue of teen pregnancy there is also a lot to learn.  However, I think it is important to recognize the value that can come from watching the program if you are not in one of these positions.  If you are someone who is against teen pregnancy, knows nothing about it or simply thinks that teen mothers are lazy,

Thoughts on virtual volunteering

Virtual volunteerism: a new formula for success
By: Jesse O. Bolinger, M.S. 
The concept of virtual volunteerism is still a topic that is somewhat new to many nonprofit organizations.  While larger organizations, such as Volunteer Canada, are well acquainted with the concept.  There is room for growth in this area that will allow organizations to gain new, and skilled, volunteers while allowing volunteers to utilize skills that may otherwise go untapped in terms of social good.  
Small organizations that are working to develop volunteer programs must take a hard look at every aspect of the organization.  By taking this important step, it will be possible to identify each aspect that can be taken on by a volunteer.  As nonprofit professionals, we know that simple tasks, such as office related tasks, can be taken on by a volunteer.  However, these tasks can also be done by virtual volunteers.  
For example, virtual volunteers could answer e-mail, develop and update websites, update social media feeds or even answer a phone that has been forwarded to them.  In addition, it is important to acknowledge the ability for virtual volunteers to serve on committees and even the organizations board of directors through the use of technology.  
When developing virtual volunteer programs, organizations must realize that a major advantage to virtual volunteers is the ability to have work performed while the organization is closed.  With this in mind, marketing of these programs should be conducted in regions that are on different timezones.  By engaging in this practice, organizations could conceivably have work being performed and ready for staff members the next day.  This practice would bring increased productivity, decreased costs and a higher quality final product.  
It is vital that organizations of all sizes evaluate their own needs, resources and abilities when developing these programs.  As with any other program, it is important that both formative and sumative evaluation take place as necessary and appropriate.  These evaluation methods will bring about results for program improvement and future program development as well as organizational growth.  
Recruitment of virtual volunteers can be conducted in much the same way as traditional volunteers.  Websites such as, Facebook, Twitter and even the organizations own website can provide information to those interested in this type of work.  As with traditional volunteers, virtual volunteers often know other individuals interested in the same type of work and can lead the organization to other virtual volunteers or virtual volunteers to the organization.  
Jesse Bolinger is Volunteer Executive Director at TechiePaws, Inc. and a doctoral student at Capella University.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011


In a meeting a year or so ago, it was suggested that I begin blogging about my life, experiences and views. I intend this blog to provide information, insight and thoughtful comments that I hope will change your life for the better.

As a legally blind individual, it is not uncommon for me to look at the world around me a bt differently.  As a result of this, my views are not alwasy popular, or even understood.  If you are legally blind, or disabled in any way, you may understand what I mean.

I look forward to writing and hope you look forward to reading.
